"Often, when following the trail which meanders over the hills, I pull myself up in an effort to encompass the glory and the grandeur which envelops the whole horizon… It was always a wild, rocky coast, desolate and forbidding to the man of the pavements… Tough, young, geologically speaking the land has a hoary look. From the ocean depths there issued strange formations, contours unique and seductive. There are no rains or relics to speak of. No history worth recounting. What was not speaks more eloquently than what was. Here the redwoods made its last stand… At dawn its majesty is almost painful to behold. That same prehistoric look. The look of always. Nature smiling at herself in the mirror of eternity…Peace spreads its naked wings. Was it ever meant to be otherwise? It may indeed be the highest wisdom to elect to be a nobody in a relative paradise such as this rather than a celebrity in a world which has lost all sense of values.Peace and solitude. I have had a taste of it, even here in America. Ah, these first days on Partington Ridge! On rising I would go to the cabin door and casting my eyes over the velvety rolling hills, such a feeling of contentment, such a feeling of gratitude was mine that instinctively my hand went up in benediction. I blessed men and women everywhere, no matter on which side of the fence they happened to be."
—Henry Miller, Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch
Grace and I were enjoying that last photo of your darling heroic husband today and both came up with the idea for a Volunteer Fire Brigade Calendar for Big Sur to raise funds. Clearly Toby goes on the cover. Now THAT photo will SELL SELL SELL!
Another thought - some of the e-mails I've received about this fire, and photos, and your blog posts could be put together into a calendar or book commemorating this huge event. Already the words of insight and renewal which are being expressed have moved me to appreciate so much more of my day to day life. Linda, I feel lucky to know how you make your coffee in the morning. I hope we can share a cup again soon!
love and BIG HUGS,
Camille and kin
Glorious quote.
Lyrical blog.
Hunky gnome master.
another view from the edge of fire/sanity/roof/fryingpan: niksnexus/weblog
(we exchanged cards after Lisa's birthday at Bakery)
Bore da, Linda:
Shw mae? Dw i heb dy weld ti ers talwrn!
Cymru am Big Sur!
Canfod yr fideo Hireath pryd ti cyrraedd http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/audiovideo/sites/yourvideo/pages/val_bethell_01.shtml.
Iechyd da!
jirwin@callineb.com www.callineb.com
Dyw un iaith byth yn ddigon!
Buenas días, Linda:
¿Como está? Ha estado un rato desde que hablamos por último en el estudio de Hawthorne.
¡Sur Grande por siempre!
Encuentre al Hireath video cuando usted llega a http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/audiovideo/sites/yourvideo/pages/val_bethell_01.shtml.
¡Una lengua no es bastante!
PS: Many thanks for your blog. My best to all.
“I am a part of all that I have met.” Alfred Tennyson
“Hear me, four quarters of the world - a relative I am! Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is! Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand, that I may be like you. With your power only can I face the winds.” Black elk
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